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Muhamad Aldiansyah
3 min readJan 31, 2025


Elon Musk said that, “The real economy is not money, it is goods and services. Money is simply an abstract representation of real things”. But there is a compound interest where the value can do the duplication itself. I agree with the mastery of some knowledge, skill, and attitude are needed. It’s the most basic thing for a person can be involved in the society. But then looking on how the values work is not only about the goods and service. There are set of rules that not written in school. That’s why i prefer the concept of deliberate practice, we learn what we love, because there are infinity energy on love. We can always be better on thing that we love the most.

Life is a game that full of quest, we do the quest in job-like format. Like any other game, that’s an objective that we must achieve, that the vision of a person. What we want to achieve determines our path of life. This morning I read a quotes from Donald Trump, “Think big, act decisively.” That’s a simple word that enlightening for me. People tends to think big but lost in the thing that what they should do, or more fundamental question, from each of any possibility thing that we can do, what kind of the thing that bring us closer to our purpose of life? or more crucial, on the afterlife.

I am always concerned about the reality that govern everything on this life. For me, it’s science and religion. But the specific answer for each issue need to be analyzed carefully, based on Daniel Kahnemann, we have 2 thinking system, 1. fast and intuitive, 2. slow and reliable. But in the fast pace world, i think people should have the ability to think fast and reliable, that’s align with the concept “think big, act decisively”. But the reality is not always working as what people want, we have to wait the right moment for all the values in the involved variables working together resulting a kind of good result. A good value.

That’s why we people still alive till now. Life is full of the thing that still need to be explored. Life is full mystery. Let’s keep doing our best while we’re still alive. In game, there’s also up and down, sometimes we lose our mind, but in the end… (i will not say there’s nothing really matter now), but in the end, all will passed. Instead of quoting Nihilism, i want to quoting a line from John Lennon, “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” One of the most people objective in life maybe, live life to the fullest. In the end, we will die in peace and leave the good legacy.

“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.” — Dr. Hiriluk from One Piece

I remember the line from one of my favorite song in highschool, Hadapi Dunia from Pee Wee Gaskins.

Point to one dream that you will make come true. Open your eyes and face the world today.

Tunjuk satu mimpi yang akan kau buat jadi nyata. Buka mata dan hadapi dunia hari ini.



Muhamad Aldiansyah
Muhamad Aldiansyah

Written by Muhamad Aldiansyah

I am a programmer and lecturer that has interest in mathematics, science, technology, and art.

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